
Showing posts from July, 2013

Rainy Day

It was really misty when I woke up and it has started to pour with rain for the first time for ages. The gardens need it and it will be great to have some water in my water butt but it is such a contrast to yesterday when we were basking in the sunshine.     We decided to take our 3 grandchildren to the beach yesterday and we had gathered towels, sun cream, hats, drinks, buckets and spades etc by 9am and set off.  The tide was out so we took off our shoes deciding to splodge around in the pools of water left behind, when No 1 grandson said " what's this Grandad?"  He was holding a jellyfish!   It must have been dead as he didn't get stung thank goodness but they were everywhere!   We swiftly left the beach picking our way carefully back to the car and headed for a play park and woodland walk instead.  They had a fun afternoon as their three teenage cousins came up and played cricket and hide and seek with them. It was ...
Highland skys We get some amazing skys up here, thought I would show you some pictures that my OH has taken This pic was taken early morning, the colours are genuine, not altered in any way.  Amazing colour           and this was the sky tonight at 9pm     Hope you like them Terri X        
Cheesy lentil & vegetable pie Hello everyone, I arrived home this morning after travelling all night collecting the Grandchildren for their holiday. Now totally shattered! So I am preparing one of my standby recipes that I can do with my eyes closed literally! I will give you the basic recipe, I adapt it very easily to fit in with my Slimming World diet to make this a free meal for me on a  green day. Serves 4   (today this is serving 3 adults and 3 children) 1 tbsp. sunflower oil  (I used fry-light) 1 onion, finely chopped 500g /1 lb carrots, diced 2 garlic cloves large tin baked beans 125g/4 oz red lentils 450ml/3/4 pt vegetable stock salt and pepper For the topping 1 1/2 lb potatoes 150g/5 oz savoy cabbage or sprouts 4 tbsp. semi skim milk 100g/3 1/2 oz cheddar cheese, grated 1. Heat oil in a pan, add onion and cook for approx. 5mins until softened. 2. Stir in carrots and garlic, cook for 2 more minutes 3. Mix i...
Getting ready for the holidays Today it has been warm but windy, sometimes overcast but we didn't have the rain forecast for the West coast.  We live right in the middle of the Highlands, its approx. 40 miles to the West coast and 30 miles to the East coast and about 600 ft above sea level  so you can never rely on the weather forecast to be totally accurate if its different weather on either side.  Today was a good day to get all the bedding washed and on the line in preparation for the Grandchildren coming to stay with us for two weeks once they have finished school next Tuesday. I will be flying south this week  to pick them up.  I booked it on the cheapest cost day for the month, only travelling with hand luggage to save money.  Its so hot I can wash and wear!  I have to catch a few trains as well so I made sure to book tickets in advance to get the cheapest prices. Me and my OH just can't wait....we so look forward to th...
Playing tourist                                      This is Cawdor Castle  I don't know what this tree is called.  Every branch was covered in these pretty pink flowers       The column was stacked slates and ball was glass   this was a bird feeder It wasn't a cheap day out as on top of diesel £15 to get there, the entrance fee was £9.95 each as it is a privately owned castle.  It was very homely, in one room there was a Dan Brown paperback alongside the antique looking books!  We went into the café but it wasn't a huge success, OH didn't like the cheesecake (it was a bit dried out) and I managed to have just a bowl of strawberries (without the cream as dieting), a tea and a coffee, just over £10.  The ga...
Good morning!  This is how I am going to start my day today.  I love eggs and I have always had a bit of a thing about chickens since childhood.  Unfortunately I am not able to have any of my own at the moment but I have a friend down the road who keeps them so yesterday I popped round to buy a dozen.  Look at these.....freshly laid, delicious and they only cost £2.50 for a dozen.  The other advantage for me at the moment is that I am trying to lose some weight following the Slimming World diet on my own.  If you have ever done this diet you know that you can eat eggs galore and they are free to eat! So 2 boiled eggs this morning I think. When I look round my kitchen I seem to have lots of chicken things so I will show you a few pics I hope you all have a lovely day, Bye for now
Dipping my toes in the water! Hello everyone, this is my first post!  I have been lurking around blogland for a few months now and never worked out how to even comment on peoples is not my thing...but I have learnt so much from reading other blogs that I decided to join you all :) People are  talking about the BBC programme about food poverty in the U.K.  I am glad it is now a subject being highlighted, I for one can relate to the people's stories in this programme.  There have been quite a few times when we would have no money for food and family members have come to our rescue.  I never relied on processed foods although I understand why it is sometimes easier, I always preferred to make a home cooked meal if possible, 101 ways with minced beef became my speciality!!   I hope to make this blog about the ups and downs of our life in the Highlands, having to be frugal in what we do, the crafting things I mak...