Making & Baking

Look whats on my new craft table! I think i might do a regular post on this and it will keep me making things to show you. I had a sort through my collected materials and found the tartans and tweeds. I have rarely brought any material, preferring to recycle clothing and bits i find here and there. In this square is material from a couple of my sis-in-laws skirts, a leftover piece from the cushion making class i went on, a piece i was given by a friend, a square of a pair of my old jeans and other bits fou in charity shops. This means it hasn't cost me hardly anything either. I am making a front and back piece and this might become a bag or a cushion ( "not another cushion!" OH is shouting. ) I don't know what he means, can you ever have enough? I am leaning towards a bag this time i think. Its had to be a very frugal week as OH has been working for two weeks on a job but not finished yet, be nice when he does though and i have only ...