I had a lay-in till nearly 10am, well we didn't get to bed till 1.45am. We spent a lovely evening around a friends house and saw the New Year in around a bonfire in the garden. It was such a mild night, a few stars in the sky and we had the radio on to hear the chimes of Big Ben. I have got this beautiful 2015 diary and I have been looking forward to putting all my info on its lovely pages I still prefer to write everything, not typing it all on a computer. I have decided not to make any resolutions this year, I am just going to focus on doing my best to work towards a few things and not beat myself up if I don't achieve a certain goal. I want to continue being thrifty regarding food and today I cooked us a lovely roast beef dinner. The joint was on a half price offer and cost £7. We have not had beef in the last year as i would not normally spend that much on meat so it was a treat and I have portioned the remains up so that we have a further two dinners w...