Monday Catchup

Before I start, I want to say hello to a few new followers on Bloglovin and to thank you for your encouraging comments. I have been blogging for over a year now and although I am mainly doing it as a kind of diary for myself, it's lovely to have a few followers :-) Well I woke up Saturday morning to a card and chocolates for Valentines Day, which was very nice. We had to go out for a bit of shopping and we intended to buy a "meal deal" for the evening and OH was going to cook for me. Tesco's deal was £20 but I saw this and we both love Indian food although we don't buy ready meals usually but this meal was supposed to be a treat for both of us. Cost £6.30. We brought this as a side dish for £1.50 as it was on offer but to be honest we didn't need this extra as there was already plenty for two. Pudding was in the reduced section for £2.65. OH laid the table and we had the fairy lights on (that's why this isn't a clear photo) and we both put our glad...