Hibernation has Ended!

In the garden this morning I thought it got cold in the night, my feet were freezing! The wind had an icy bite to it but the sun was out so I put the washing on the line anyway. The sheep opposite watched me silently. I am assuming we are having the lambing snows this week according to the forecast so it shouldn't be long before we see the lambs on that hill. I've had a tidy up of my wool stash and was surprised just how much wool i had that needed using up so i decided to make a blanket. I took the pattern off Lucy's blog 'Attic 24' as its just made up of treble stitch so I can watch t.v. and crochet away. It has already grown twice the size since this pic a few days ago. I've decided to take it with me this morning to meet up with the patchwork girls. They won't mind if I crochet while we have a catchup as I haven't seen anybody for about six weeks. I feel that at last I am coming out of hibernation! Must be because the clocks have changed or ...