You wouldn't think it would be so ...

Difficult to get rid of a car full of branches! I told you in my last post that we had cut the Apple trees and the car was loaded, not just with sacks full but big branches loose, ready to drop off at the tip on the way to our dentist appointment. Our local one was closed so we headed to one 10 miles further on. When we got there a tree had blown down and blocked the road. OH climbed over it to go to the tips office to check whether the chap in charge knew, he had no idea. I waited in the car and took this photo as I waited for him of the rainbow forming. As we couldn't get rid of our load we had no choice but to take it with us and thought that we would have time to find the tip where we were going. No such luck! OH stopped at a tyre company to ask where their local tip was and we followed directions only to find that the road was closed completely due to roadworks! We ended up parked in a Tesco's car park and had to leg it to our appointment. I ...