Craft Clubs

I have been going to a couple of crafting clubs in different villages over the last few weeks. I enjoy spending a couple of hours working on my own projects but having a coffee and a chat with other ladies and seeing what they are working on. This is how you learn and get inspiration to create other things. One of the classes has young mums and its lovely to see their little ones playing and colouring and all the elderly ladies enjoy the company and have lots of stories to entertain us. Homemade cakes or biscuits are sometimes brought in too. Sometimes community projects are worked on such as sewing knitted squares together to make lap blankets to give out to anyone who needs one or attends a talk on tips to keep warm in winter. Recently i have been working on my crocheted rug (pictured above). It is made out of t-shirts and it seems to take longer to cut them up into continuous strips than the actual crochet. The last red row was a ...