I Love Eggs

I am not talking about the chocolate ones we have just eaten over Easter. OH is in the doghouse over this as Sunday afternoon I thought i would sit down with my egg and a cup of tea but my egg had disappeared! As i've been dieting OH thought he would save me the calories and ate it, i was not impressed!! He has been working for a couple of ladies these past two weeks who have generously kept us supplied in real eggs, both duck and chicken. We go through a lot of eggs usually two dozen a week and I always try to buy them from people who have their own free range chickens. They vary in price round here, usually from £2.60 - £3.20 a dozen but there is no comparison between these fresh and those brought in a supermarket. The yolks are so bright yellow and its nice to know they were laid that day. I have eggs most days for breakfast, i don't eat cereals except very occasionally porridge. I love them cooked in various ways but i am partial to boiled egg with ...