A Little Catch Up

I've had a busy few weeks so haven't blogged much but I am still here, knitting away for my next craft fair! I have been down south again visiting my mother and got spoilt, eating out every day :-) I am trying to eat more healthily now so I have been digging out the recipe books and trying new things. The current craze for "clean" eating, gluten free and dairy free have made me try new things and its good to shake things up sometimes. We currently have visitors for a few days and one suffers from celiac disease so its been a timely change. The weather has suddenly turned quite autumnal and the bushes are covered in berries now. I am not sure if its just an old wives tale that this means a bad winter to come, will have to wait and see. The rest of my little planted area by the decking is still flowering nicely I went to an open day for some building projects that are ongoing in the area. We are getting a new shop and cafe in the design of a s...