I Like a Sparkler

Not of the boozy or jewelry kind, although I could become partial to either but of the fireworks kind :-) OH took this photo of me waving one about. Doing that reminds me of my childhood. We had a family get together this weekend, an early bonfire night celebration. My nephew had brought lots of fireworks and he spent days setting them up to create a good display in their garden. They luckily are surrounded by fields with only one close neighbour who was aware beforehand that there would be fireworks. I am not a huge fan of the noisy bangers but love the colours of the fireworks against the night sky. I didn't take many photos just got this one below Although the weather was a bit damp the fire blazed and I could feel the warmth from it and my feet were cosy enough in socks and my fur lined boots. This is OH by the fire. My nephew had cleverly thought to put up a tent with chairs and table inside and we had jacket potatoes with barbecued meat....