A Cold

I've been laid up with a bad cold since last Friday, not just a few sniffles but an absolute stinker that has knocked me for six! I am not usually a person to stay in bed but I am back there again today after a rough night with hardly any sleep. I overdid it yesterday and knocked myself back, OH was out working so I was up cleaning and cooking. At least I made dinners to last a couple of days, not that I can taste much at the mo. Alex and Bonnie have cuddled on the bed with me keeping me company. Every now and then Bonnie raises her head and miaows at me like shes checking if I am ok, bless her. I have been doing something whilst laid up though Crocheting baubles for my next craft fair which is on at the weekend. I need to shake the worst of this cold off before then, got too much I want to do so I am going to keep dosing with cold relief tablets, drinking honey and lemon and relax a while. Terri X