
Showing posts from February, 2017

Hello Again

Its been a while since I have been in my bloggy space, no particular reason why I haven't posted but life feels like its been extra busy lately.  The photo above was taken a few weeks ago on my last trip to the beach and it was quite an overcast day.  Amazing skies though and the clouds were really this colour.  I have been enjoying these daffodils which were a present from a friend on our Anniversary last week.  I did a casual dinner party and I cooked the mains which were pulled pork and a chicken curry served with salad, rice or new potatoes and i also made some naan bread.  I based the meals around my Slimming World diet and my friends supplied the desserts, homemade meringue eton mess and a sherry trifle.  Of course i had a bit of both desserts, would have been rude not too! I have another craft fair coming up so my friend and I have been getting very sticky doing some decoupage. Are you old enough to remember these characters? I am h...

Woodland Walk

I am walking a few times a week as part of my weight loss diet and today OH and I set off for a stroll around the Ferrycroft woods.  It rained all day yesterday so it was a bit wet underfoot but today the sun came through although we needed scarves, hats and gloves as the temperature had dropped overnight. You can just see the coating of ice covering the water in one of the ponds. The forestry have had to cut a lot of the trees down in these woods after the big storm in 2015 and there is a whole area that just looks decimated but what it has done is allow you to see the views of the lochs better and I always like to be near the water.  There is a mound which once upon a time was a broch and this plaque tells a bit about it with the picture of what it once looked like.  You have to use your imagination as this is what's here now but climbing up the mound, on the other side is this lovely view of Loch Shin The water looked very blue tod...