Winter Has Arrived

Hello, its been a while since i've written on my little blog but I am still here! Hope you like this photo above taken this past weekend. It is OH climbing up Ben Bhraggie. Look how deep the snow is! The monument is of the first Duke of Sutherland who played a large part in the Highland clearances. It is 100 feet tall and has been there since 1837. We have had a couple of snowy days this past week but it has cleared again except for on the hills. Maybe we will get a white Christmas this year. Its now a damp cold day and seeping into my bones so I have put another fleece on over my two jumpers and am sitting under a blanket with my fingerless gloves on (I can't write this update with my fingers covered!) We are economizing on fuel with the expense of Christmas coming as at this time of year work for both of us dries up. My bit of good news is that I have been busy knitting away as my friend and I are currently supplying our crafting...