Struie Hill

It was very foggy when we awoke on Saturday morning but we set off to go the 35 miles to Lidl and Morrisons.  Our journey takes us over Struie Hill.  This route through the mountains saves us approx 14 miles instead of going via the main road towards Inverness.

And we usually stop to see the fabulous view at this pull-in

These pics don't do it justice but it is nicknamed Millionaires View and you can see for miles on a clear day.
All the brown patches of heather turn purple in July - Sept

In the summer the coaches always stop here for people to take photos

This plaque says the Struie is 1082ft  and 660ft above sea level.

Today we drove through the fog up into lovely sunshine so I took these pics to show you the same

It was strange to be looking down upon the fog and it was a pity we had to go back down into it as I enjoyed the sun on my face for a while. In the end it didn't lift all day.

Terri X


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