What have I been doing this week?

I'm having a job to remember what I have been doing! I feel that i have been pretty busy but my head is a bit wooly when i try to think. I'm blaming everything on the menopause but i definately get more tired, more forgetful, more emotional and more hot flushes. Oh the joys of being a woman! So....not in any particular order, I have .... Pottered around in the garden when the sun shined. I emptied out a trough and split up a few plants and planted a bit of lobelia. It might be a bit to early to plant bedding up here but we shall see. I fill the bare soil with shells collected from the beach as this stops my cats using it as a toilet. Next time i have a trip out i will look for some geraniums. I was tempted to plant some veggies in it but decided on having a splash of colour instead. A fushia and more lobelia were planted in the hanging basket outside the door. I like rusty things and love my bunch of keys. The other side ...