April Flowers & Lambs

I love how these little Forget-me-not's spring up in the gravel every year from the one packet of seed that was sown in a pot about four years ago.  Such hardy little plants and so colourful

Another shrub that is out everywhere at this time of year is the Gorse.  The splash of yellow is so cheerful and lovely against the green, very prickly though!

I don't know if this ruin was a house or a barn but what a lovely position by this loch.

The first little lambs are being born around us.  I watch the ewes struggling to give birth in the fields and keep a look out for any that seem to have a problem and phone the local crofter.  He is up here numerous times a day now patrolling the hills on his quad bike.  He was moving the mothers into another field yesterday teatime, aided by his sheepdog, when one escaped into our garden along with her twin lambs.  I watched out of the window as he whistled to his dog to herd them out again.  They are such clever dogs and are worth thousands of pounds when fully trained.  Anyway it successfully got them out of our garden but they left us with lots of sheep poos on the lawn!

My OH took this picture last year when the lambs were all playing together out the front of our cottage.
They make me smile at their antics.

Terri X


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