Bits and Pieces in my Week

It was back to work for me this week and after having two weeks off it was hard on my back which has ached a lot. I come home and rest in my favourite armchair which usually helps but I have found that even laying in bed at night I cannot get comfortable and wake up stiff as a board. It takes me a while to bend in the morning but it probably doesn't help that I have put on a bit of weight over the hols so I have resolved to start dieting again on Monday. I've said it now so will have to do it! I started my intermediate sewing classes this week and decided to try a shift top pattern that came free on a magazine. I sent for the retro fabric from Ebay and luckily it arrived in time. Although it was a nice evening by the time the class started at 7.30pm i felt tired and could easily not have bothered going out. I have never tried to make clothing before or cut out a pattern and it took me the entire two hours to do it. Thankfully it is a very ...