Sometimes its worth stopping...
Hello! I'm back, not completely recovered but nearly there and I'd like to thank you guy's out there who sent me good wishes :-)
We went out on our usual trip to do food shopping and we have passed by a car park sign on the main road hundreds of times but never stopped as its about 10 miles away from where we need to go.
There's the main road above. As the parking area was below we never realised how lovely the views would be beneath.
It was really warm in the sunshine and it was a spur of the moment thing to pull over this time
The sign showed it was part of a nature reserve
But also there was another little bridge leading to an old house
We walked up to it but did not linger as it was clearly lived in but a plaque on the wall called it the sluice house. It was a lovely secluded position to live in.
Plenty of space to park up for a picnic.
We will stop there with a flask another time.
Terri X
Welcome back! I have missed you and am pleased you are healed up and able to enjoy your summer. What beautiful scenery - I am totally envious!