A November Catch-Up
Hello everyone, the weather has been really misty and damp this last week, I find it a bit depressing really and would much rather the cold crisp winter days. Everything is dying back now but the photo above shows that even at this time of year the colour and moistness of this bracken looks kind of beautiful doesn't it.
I have been busy sewing this last week and am steaming well ahead with my present making for Christmas and not feeling the pressure of time running out this year. Most years I tend to make a few gifts, partly because I enjoy making things but also as it is a lot more frugal as I recycle a lot of my materials. I am having to do Christmas on a tight budget again this year. I would love to be able to save money throughout the year towards the costs, indeed I did start to buy a few supermarket savings stamps but we never seem to have enough extra to save. I cannot post any photo's of my makes yet as certain people will see this blog but all the girlies, family and friends will be getting something homemade. Men are so much more difficult to get presents for though and only one of my Grandsons is getting a homemade item, his Batman cushion that I showed on a previous post. I have had two lovely days though sewing in my friends craft room with lots of coffee and nattering and the bonus is she makes me lunch as well!
I haven't started on my food preparations as only confirmed this week that there will be four of us at home this year. I will be writing a list of what I need and aim to get bits over the next few weeks.
I have ordered some wood to be delivered but still need to get a couple more bags of coal in. Frugal Queen mentioned in one of her posts this week about buying coal in bulk and although this might be the cheapest way to stock up we are unable to do it this way so buy a couple of sacks at a time. I stocked up on four packets of firelighters at Home Bargains this week as although only 45p each, they do a good job. We managed to pick up a few newspapers from the recycling bank too.
Otherwise life has been plodding along as normal, working, cooking, cleaning etc. Nothing exciting to report. I still have two walls unpainted in the kitchen and hope they will get done before the festivities (hint to OH) and I have tried to keep up with the decluttering and have two more bags of bits and pieces to donate to the charity shop. I have failed miserably with my diet lately, been eating far too much chocolate and bread with butter eek!! and can feel that I have put on weight again. Well tomorrow I am going to face getting on the scales and seeing what the damage is and try to get it together again as time to get off half a stone before the Christmas period as I am bound to put on some more then.
I hope to have a few more interesting photo's for you next time but hope you have liked these few showing the colours at this time of year on a woodland walk.
Terri X
Gorgeous photographs Terri. Good luck with the diet, inspires me to get back on mine. Woo xx