Frugal Shopping & Cooking

I've been to the auction again with my BF today and look at this lovely oil painting I brought thinking it could go in our bedroom or bathroom. I got it for a bargain £1 and with commission I paid £1.12 and now I have hung it up and I think it is lovely. We also bid on a box of old books as we spotted a few in there that we would read and could then car boot the rest. We got that for another £1 but it turned out to be four boxes of books! They were so heavy that we had to have help to put them in the boot of the car. I was giggling over them as some are in French! I think those ones will be used for a few crafting projects. I am sure we will be able to make a little profit at the car boot in September with the rest. I also used my favourite cookbook again (A girl called Jack) to make gnocchi. I used potato and parsnip 50/50. They don't look as elegant as the picture in the recipe but they sure taste good with a spoonful of pes...