
It has been a very busy month but i have loved it!

At first it was nutty work wise as we were busy embroidering school logos on uniforms in time for the start of the new term.  In Scotland they go back to school in August as they break up earlier than in England.  Then a friend visited for a few days before we drove down to England to stay with our daughter and catch up with family and friends, phew! the weather was so unbearably hot! Such a contrast for us living here as it has seemed to rain constantly and I thought we were never going to get a summer but luckily it waited for the right time to appear, just in time for the annual Grandchildren's visit.

We have made the most of any appearance of the sunshine and the children have enjoyed spending their time on walks, even climbing a Benn and on the beautiful beaches.

Our wee man exploring 

Amazing views from the top of Benn Bhraggie

The monument of the Duke of Sutherland at the top

The most blissful days paddling in the sea

Such fun jumping over the waves

Even Uncle J played in the sea with them

Little man doesn't like paddling yet, he would rather help with collecting various treasures

A trip to the animal farm again this year

We all had a bagful of feed to dish out

Lots of different animals to feed but I particularly liked this...

Happy pig lazing in the sun.

Happy days I wish would never end

Terri X


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