Bits and Bobs

Time seems to have sped by the last few weeks so I thought I would do a random post showing a few things I have been doing.
I picked the rhubarb in the garden and I froze one lot and we have had two of these crumbles.  My pottery dish is just the right size as it allows for lots of topping and I find i enjoy mine cold with natural yoguet whilst OH likes it warm with ice cream.

This was the book I read for the first meeting of the bookclub.  I highly recommend this, it was such a lovely quirky story and funny and moving too.  I had an enjoyable evening get together in a local pub and OH's came too.  It was just luck to be a musical evening as was open house for musicians so a great time was had and not much talk about what we are going to read next!
I got this lovely picture in a local charity shop for £5.  I loved it and it is now on my lounge wall.  I did well that day picking up 4 dvds and 2 knitting mags too.  Putting up a new picture led to a change round of lots of others as it often does!

OH has been given more free eggs, this time duck eggs.  I must make a quiche tomorrow I think.
This is a pile of cotton wash cloths I have crocheted for our next stall, I also made another for my sis-in-law and myself.

I made up this cushion at last and made another by recycling an old woollen jumper.

OH built me a wardrobe in an alcove in the bedroom.  I have gained a lot more space than in my canvas one and that has been broken up for kindling for the fire and I have kept a large canvas piece to do something with.  I am just going to put a curtain up when i find the right material to make one.  This also led to a bit if a clear out of clothes which were taken to the clothes bank straight away.
A bit of cardmaking has been done for all the occasions this month.  I would like to find time to have a making session to get all cards done up to C.....mas!  Not saying that word yet!!
I've been following "Mend it May" in blogland and on Facebook and this inspired me to do a few bits.  I cut the sleeves off this linen dress and like it much better now as the sleeves made me feel restricted and i get hot flushes now I am in the menopause.  I also shortened another cardigan and cut a sundress down to make a top instead.
I went out to a handbag and accessories evening at one of OH's customer house.  It was in aid of rescue dogs of which they had four.  They had a lovely cottage in the woods but we were eaten alive by midges!!  Anyway i brought myself this little bag which as it was the last one in this colour, was on offer.  I've never had such a little bag but look ...
It has 3 zipped sections and 2 other zipped compartments and actually holds everything I had in my other bags.  Its like a tardis!!
I made two more scottie dog brooches to sell and have now started knitting more little cottages again.

The first of my reserved books from the library and i am enjoying reading this but it has to go back soon. 
Because this is turning into a very long post I will finish with telling you that I am very excited because ...
  I also have a new to me car!
Its a 4x4 which will be great for the winters up here and is roomy enough if OH has to use it for work but it is mostly for me :-)  It is great with my bad back and knees to be able to just slide in and out and will be good for our journeys down south.  I am very grateful to my Uncle who left to me unexpectedly, the money to be able to buy it.  Lots of love, thanks and prayers to him.

Terri X


  1. Such a fun post, love all your makes but the little Scottie dog pin was a real delight. Rhubarb crumble is one of our favourites, and tastes even better when you have grown the rhubarb yourself. Take care.

  2. Fabulous blog Terri, some many lovely things to see xx

  3. Fabulous blog Terri, some many lovely things to see xx


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