A Few Frugal Things

1.  We are all going to a baby shower today so needing to save some money, I made some booties to go towards the present.  We know the baby is going to be a little girl and her mum does like homemade things so I hope she likes these.
Another friend who has just had her baby girl, will be there as well so I will make a pair for her little one too.  She has called her Violet, such a lovely name, the old ones are all coming back I think.

2.  OH brought home a bag full of windfall apples from where he was working.  They were small and took about an hour to peel but so worth it as he has a crumble for pudding tonight and I have 2 more bags full in the freezer for another time.

3.  OH connected up another electric point beneath our house to enable us to plug in our old small chest freezer.  He was a bit reluctant to do this but it has given me the extra space to continue building up stocks for the winter.  I had given the freezer away earlier in the year as it didn't fit in my kitchen but as it wasn't being used, I was able to get it back luckily.  I managed to get three packs of 5% fat minced beef when shopping which had been reduced to put in there alongside all the frozen vegetables I brought cheaply from the shop I work in.

4.  I was given these two home grown cucumbers when I delivered a knitted heart to a customer.  She also paid me more than I asked for it so that was nice.  We ate most of one cucumber for tea and it was lovely along with a couple of my own tomatoes.

5.  I took up an offer to extend OH's AA cover on his car from the basic breakdown cover to full Relay cover for just £10.  I couldn't afford the full cover when it was due and it was loads more expensive then so to get 5 months cover for this was a good deal.  

6.  We took up an offer from a new local business who launched at the recent crofters show, selling bags of kiln dried wood for just £2.50 per bag till the end of September.  We got a little tour of the facilities and an explanation of how much less water content is in the wood enabling us to get more heat from the stove.  OH also picked up a little job to do whilst we were there which is good.

7.  I have been given 5 pairs of trousers and a skirt  that fit me nicely as I was getting desperate for clothes after losing 3 stones.  They will keep me going for a while so i will not need to buy anything  except some underware.

8.  I now have a few decent pieces of clothing which are too big for me so I plan to list them on Ebay .

Terri X


  1. Love the bootees, what a beautiful gift. I am missing not having apples available this year. Well done on the weight loss, I certainly could do with losing some weight.

    1. Both mums were really pleased with them :-) I have a bit further to go on the weight loss front but I am feeling better for losing some.

  2. Those booties are so cute! I'll be on the lookout for apple's soon. People around here put out boxes of excess so you can help yourself. X

    1. Thank you. How nice that people let you help yourself to their excess for free, so much better than it just going to waste too.

  3. Lovely booties :) A 3 stone weight loss is amazing win!!! I wish I had another fridge, mine is full now and I have the apples to pick yet!! xx

    1. Thanks :-) You have certainly had a lovely harvest down south, all that lovely sunshine you've had this August! x


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