The Crofter's Show (part 1)
The annual Crofters show was held today and usually it rains but today the dark clouds overhead held off and it was really warm. There was plenty of mud though as it rained a good deal yesterday. The photo above of the highland dancers was the only one to come out as the competition was held in a marque and all the photos came out too dark, a shame as they all looked so good in their outfits.
The band marched past and the pipes sounded really good.
Look at those clouds!
The tea tent behind was doing a good trade and my Sis-in-Law was serving behind the counter.
The truck held the Crofter's show Queen.
So sweet watching the youngsters doing the sack race :-)
This area was for the men playing with their engines, amused me to see them polishing them up and very noisy as they were all running.
I loved this old truck, I saw it driving to the show, so much character.
OH's dad had one of these old Ford Anglia cars. I liked its turquoise colour.
Spot the teddy on the back of this Massey Fergusson tractor.
There was a tent full of ferrets in playpens. Not sure what this was about really. Seeing the animals and the exhibits tent are my favourite parts of the show but as this post is getting a bit long I thought i would split it in two plus I am now gasping for a cup of tea and a sit down after chatting to so many people. Part 2 tomorrow folks!
Terri X
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