Good News and Bad News

After my last blog post about getting some bargains from the shop I work in, on Monday all of us were busy working in there.  OH was building units and moving shelving for all the new stock coming in and Son and I moved all the tins, packets, jars on shelves to make more room.  I was hot, sweaty and shattered when I finished. Tuesday morning came the bad news.  I got an email to say the shop was closing down so I am losing my job!!

The good news part is that everything is now reduced to half price so I have been stocking up on all the things that I can make use of.  Customers have descended like vultures so I am having to move fast as everyone has the same idea though. I have brought all the cat food to last about 3 months and managed to get a few gifts to go towards a Birthday present for my youngest Grandson.

I have found space in a bedroom to store things.  

There will be a few weeks more to work and then I will just keep an eye out for another opportunity.  In the meantime, I have committed to do a craft stall at a Highland Games in September. This is the first year they have had stalls and it will be under cover in a marque.  It is the largest games in the Highlands and the last one held in the season and people attend from all over the world.  So my friend and I are busy making and trying to get together once a week to craft.

More little owls made ready and sitting on a shelf in my friends B&B.

 Some Scottie dog brooches.
I have been trying out a couple more designs for my knitted hearts, more on them when I have finished them but we are making everything Scottish.
Bags with brooches.

We went to a friends 70th Birthday party a few days ago and it was a lovely and unexpected surprise to see some tartan bunting that I had made hung up in her house. This led us to make a decision that we will build up our stock levels and look to sell things on line also perhaps opening a Facebook page.  I have sent off for some labels using our names"Terri and June" for our products and opened an email address
I just had my first commission for a personalised heart for a wedding and for three knitted cottages so in between working I am beavering away at everything. On the plus side, everytime we finish crafting for the day we get to sit in my friends new hot tub in her garden
Bliss, this is the way to finish work!

Terri X


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