Happy New Year!

I had a lay-in till nearly 10am, well we didn't get to bed till 1.45am.  We spent a lovely evening around a friends house and saw the New Year in around a bonfire in the garden.  It was such a mild night, a few stars in the sky and we had the radio on to hear the chimes of Big Ben.

I have got this beautiful 2015 diary and I have been looking forward to putting all my info on its lovely pages

I still prefer to write everything, not typing it all on a computer. 
I have decided not to make any resolutions this year, I am just going to focus on doing my best to work towards a few things and not beat myself up if I don't achieve a certain goal.
I want to continue being thrifty regarding food and today I cooked us a lovely roast beef dinner.  The joint was on a half price offer and cost £7.  We have not had beef in the last year as i would not normally spend that much on meat so it was a treat and I have portioned the remains up so that we have a further two dinners worth in the freezer and some for sandwiches.  I am quiet pleased that it has worked out so economical in the end.
Our electricity consumption was successfully down 6 per cent on the previous year so I want to continue on that line.  It is not going down without effort and thought on our part though as we are cutting back as much as we can already.
I am going to make a fresh start on weight loss, starting at the weekend.  I didn't expect to be in the same old position with my weight as at the start of last year but I have had a tough few months mentally and been very low so have just comfort ate and put it all back on.  Stupid but I am going to forgive myself and just try again.
I also want to try and save an emergency fund again as it was used up fixing the car so is at zilch and I need to start a car fund to save for another car.
The good news is that this year we start ahead of ourselves with most bills paid until April.  This was due to OH having a few weeks work up to Christmas and making the decision to be sensible and sacrifice our trip south to be with our Grandchildren over Christmas.  Our income fluctuates anyway but it is often the case that we hardly get any work Jan/Feb so it feels good not having to worry over bills for a few months.  I look forward to seeing my family as soon as we can though. We are luckier than a lot of people who will start this year in debt.

Terri X


  1. Terri. that's such an encouraging blog, you seem to have the right attitude, making New Year Resolutions we can't keep just makes us feel bad. Woo xx


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