The Crofter's Show (part 2)

Look at this trio, they know they are looking good!

I wandered round the pens, talking to the sheep whilst OH chatted to some of the old crofters.
The tupps weren't so keen to have their photos taken.
Look at this proud boy, he knew he got first prize!

Second and third prize winning ducks

And this was the best egg laying chicken
Prize winning cockerel.

This is Alice whose field is just down the road from our house.  She was happily crunching on a carrot that an elderly lady had given her as a treat.
 I trudged through all the mud in my white trainers to get these next photo's!!
There were only a few cows and some of them were being very vocal, not happy and protective of their calves I think.
I like cows, look at those eyelashes!
My favourite calf because he has a curly coat and reminds me of the cows we befriended when we lived in our cottage.
There were some lovely veg in the exhibition tent and I took a few photo's as I walked round
Floral displays
Childrens artwork of highland coo's
This winning painted pebble was done by a work collegue of mine, I didn't know she was so talented!
and of course the home baking section all looking delicious.
I signed up for a free class in October to make this Highland coo with the local learning centre.  A friend of mine is taking the class and he made this from oddments of wood and wool.  I hope he has a lot of patience as its been years since I did any woodworking but I am looking forward to having a go.

We really enjoyed the show the village put on this year :-)

Terri X


  1. What a great post, I really enjoyed a crofters show that I went to recently. Something for everyone. Good luck with your new class, I love the coo.


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