Cake, cake and more cake!

I've had a busy few weeks again preparing for another craft fair being held today as part of Gala week.  I was up till nearly midnight last night making a handbag and it turned out to be the first item sold today so was worth the effort.

The afternoon was a bit of a wash out though as we have strong winds and heavy rain today and as we were in a marque you can imagine what it was like.  My friend popped back home to get us a flask of coffee to warm up and returned with some homemade sponge cake which went down a treat.

The sides of the marque were being battered by the wind and water was pouring through the gaps in the roof.  Our stock was getting wet so we were constantly moving it about.  Not many people were about in such horrid conditions really and those that were, were really there for the children's entertainment.  There was also a raft race on the loch.  It was decided that it would go ahead and there were four rafts.  One immediately sunk and the team ended up being rescued from the water by the safety boats.  The others made it to the finish.  Brave people because they must have been frozen!

We packed up after a couple of hours but we had made a profit so it was worth the effort of going. 
A friend mentioned that there was a coffee and cake afternoon being held in a nearby village church with a local history display.  Another couple of our friends had been doing the baking so we decided to head there and support them. 

The  little church was built in the 1920's out of local stone and was situated in an area of lawn and trees.  We were welcomed in and sat in the beautifully soft greeny grey painted pews with their tartan seat pads and had our cakes ( I had three different slices!) and coffee.  It was lovely and relaxing having a natter whilst an elderly lady played the harp gently in the background. She was very good.  We wandered around the history displays but I didn't have my glasses with me to read much so I was just looking at the old photographs. We were asked to sign the visitors book on our way out. 

We drove home via little one track roads admiring some of the houses dotted about and the lovely scenery.  So all in all, despite the awful weather, I have really enjoyed my afternoon but I am craving something savoury now.  I couldn't eat any more cake!

Terri X


  1. Such a shame about the weather, at least you didn't make a loss.


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