Food shopping & Diet update

Our supermarkets are 26 miles away and there is a choice of Lidl, a small Tesco and a small Asda.
To go shopping we have to put £10 for diesel in the car before we start but last year Tesco started a delivery service to our area and this works out cheaper for us to use as I usually get it on a £3 - £3.50 time slot.  My food budget for 3 adults works out at £40 p/wk although I do not always get it weekly as we are both self-employed and money comes in erratically and covering bills when due comes first.  My food budget also has to include personal items such as shampoo etc. plus I have 3 cats to feed so I always look out for offers and coupons I can use to stretch my budget.

Last week I got an email from Tesco giving me £20 off a £50 shop!  This was too good to miss so I ordered and I also got to use another £5 off voucher plus a 29p price saving promise so my shopping came to a grand total of ........
This weekend I am going to take advantage of Lidl's £5 off a £30 shop voucher and I always stock up by the tray full with their baked beans, tomatoes and beans & sausages (for my son). Its nice to actually go to the shops sometimes especially when bargain hunting.
On the dieting front I have now lost 1 stone 10 lbs and I received a few nice compliments from some friends this week who haven't seen me for a while. It has spurred me to keep on track as I have a fair way to go yet.  Today breakfast was 2 boiled eggs with 2oz bread toasted soldiers, lunch was 2 bowls of homemade veg soup and a banana and dinner was 3 quorn sausages with loads of slimming world chips and 2 eggs fried in frylight!   I still have a treat most days (sins) and at the moment I am having these with a cup of coffee in the evenings
So I'm eating loads and its working!!!
Terri X


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