Busy Bee

I am soooo late blogging about my week, the time has sped by and I have been busy at work because the school holidays start this week.  Anyway just a few random things to share like...
a hedgehog snuffling around the garden. This is only the third time we have seen one since we lived here so we watched it for a while and were rewarded by seeing another peep out of the undergrowth.  Perhaps they are a couple and we may get some babies.
I got a new shift dress from EBay and I love it
Not a great photo but its from Italy and is a silver grey linen.  I can wear it with long leggings or short and various tops/jumper underneath so as its so versatile I decided it would be £18 well spent and its so comfortable.  I also shortened the brown linen dress that I wore to the wedding the previous week and its now the same length so I can wear it in the same ways as the grey. It also got the addition of a little rose on the pocket
I have also had a lunch out with the patchwork group but as I am still trying to lose weight I stuck to carrot and coriander soup and a coffee.  Lots of talk about our trip in September to the quilting exhibition in Edinburgh.
We also attended a meeting about SSE putting in new pylons to connect up all the wind farms to a new power station to be built just outside the village.  It's going to be the size of three football pitches!
The view front and back  from our cottage and the others here will be totally ruined as the pylons are huge and will be very close to us and as you know we already have a wind farm directly in front of us.  The village is rallying together to protest these plans as they have an alternative to go around the hills but say its too expensive and too near hen harriers!  It seems the birds are more important than people.  There is another meeting this Thursday.
Last weekend we popped over to Dornoch and I took this photo outside the cathedral
It stands in the middle of a little green in the centre of the town and was presented to them in 1872.  On the side of the green is this lovely house
The charity shop is around the back but I didn't find anything I wanted to buy.  It was nice strolling around in the sunshine but rained on the way home.
We had a visit from the newly weds on Sunday and I rustled up a lunch of mince curry and rice and some home made naan breads which they enjoyed.  They were putting together all the photos that people had taken for an album so we have to get a new colour ink cartridge to run off a few copies for them.
I managed to get this pic of one of our nesting house martins, they fly so fast!
This is their nest and they fly in and out constantly feeding their babies.  They often hit into the kitchen window by accident.
Alex enjoys watching them too!
I have also started another knitting project but I can't reveal yet what it is.

Terri x


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